Pacific Tackle Sales Pacific Tackle Sales

Deep Water Bait Fishing: How To Pick The Right Hook For The Job

We’re pretty lucky here in New Zealand. We’ve got an abundance of fishing options on our doorstep, whether it’s land-based, in-shore, or off-shore fishing, you generally don’t have to go far to find what you’re looking for.

Deep water fishing offers the opportunity for big meaty fish in abundance, but this style of fishing does differ in several ways, and if you’re not prepared your trip will be over before it begins.

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Pacific Tackle Sales Pacific Tackle Sales

Soft Bait Fishing: Selecting The Right Hooks For Success!

Many of the fish we find in our coastal waters will readily take a soft bait, and the cost of entry is low, making it a great option for those at the start of their fishing journey. But you’ve got to start somewhere, and there’s a wide variety of jig heads, baits, weights, and sizes out there to choose from.

Our goal today is to break things down for those of you who aren’t too sure where to start.

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Pacific Tackle Sales Pacific Tackle Sales

Trolling for Yellowfin Tuna: How to Rig For Reliable Hook Sets

When targeting Yellowfin Tuna, trolling is a highly effective and exciting method. In general, the Yellowfin we find in New Zealand waters don’t get as large as Bluefin Tuna, but don’t let that put you off… these fish will still hit hard and put both the angler and gear to the ultimate test.

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Pacific Tackle Sales Pacific Tackle Sales

Worm Hooks: Another Option for Surfcasting?

For many anglers, much of the fun of fishing is found in dreaming up new ideas, figuring things out, and testing theories. Once you get your head around the different techniques and learn why they work the way that they do, it's only natural to start thinking about ways you can do it differently, or do it better.

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Pacific Tackle Sales Pacific Tackle Sales

Top Water Lure Hooks: What You Need to Know

Top water fishing is one of those styles of fishing that just has a lot going for it. The thing we love is that it’s actively fishing, you’re almost hunting for your target fish, actively working the lures, selecting your lure based on the environment and bait species etc. And the bites can be spectacular… but the stakes are high.

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Pacific Tackle Sales Pacific Tackle Sales

Catch and Release Fishing in New Zealand: 5 Tips For a successful release.

For most of us, fishing in New Zealand's inshore and offshore waters is not only about catching fish, but also ensuring the sustainability of the fisheries for future generations.

Catch and release fishing has been gaining widespread support over recent years, and it can be a great way to do your part in helping to protect local fish populations and make sure we’re not harming the marine ecosystems that we rely on for both food and enjoyment.

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Pacific Tackle Sales Pacific Tackle Sales

Micro-jig Hooks: Why You Should Upgrade Yours Immediately

“A hook is a hook right? Surely the hook that came pre-rigged from the factory is good enough?”… That’s not always true, and more often than not, you’ll notice immediate results when you upgrade the hooks that come with your jigs. The old saying that “you get what you pay for” is quite accurate when it comes to pre-rigged hooks on micro and slow-pitch jigs.

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Pacific Tackle Sales Pacific Tackle Sales

Targeting Offshore Kingfish with Livebaits: A How-to Guide.

Live baiting is well regarded as one of the most effective methods for targeting big kingfish in offshore environments. You don’t need a special rod or reel, as both a stickbait spin setup or an overhead jigging setup will work fine. The bait is free, and the rigging is easy. The biggest effort is catching the live baits; but the payoff is well worth it.

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Pacific Tackle Sales Pacific Tackle Sales

Trolling Hooks for Tuna: How to Rig For Reliable Hook Sets

The time, money, and effort required for Bluefin fishing is considerable, so it’s important to make sure you’re giving yourself the best chances of success. In this article, we will be diving into what we do to make sure our rigging is spot on, and what will give us the best chances of a successful tuna mission.

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Pacific Tackle Sales Pacific Tackle Sales

Hooking the Tastiest Catch: A Guide to Bluenose Fishing in New Zealand Waters

Bluenose are a large (and delicious) species of deep-water fish found readily around New Zealand waters. These fish are known for their fatty white flesh and are commonly targeted by both recreational anglers and commercial fishermen. Bluenose are reasonably easy to hunt down and catch, provided you have the knowledge on where they hang out, what time of the year they’re best targeted, and the gear to use to handle these big ol’ slabs of meat

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